5 Online Tools to Increase Efficiency in Your Organization

Efficiency is the wise use of both time and energy - this is something everyone, not just leaders, struggle with. The good news is that there are tools that can help us in our day to day workflow maximizing our time and communication for greater efficiency.

In today's Vlog, I'll be sharing to you the 5 tools that will help you and your organization become more efficient. 



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7 Steps to Launching Your Podcast

Podcasting allows leaders to learn while on the go. You could be driving, working, or even doing the dishes, and still absorb information through listening to podcasts. Podcasting is a massively growing trend and you should jump on it.

Thinking about creating your own podcast? Here are 7 practical steps to launch your podcast and maximize it to increase your influence.


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Leaders are Listeners

In today's video, I am talking about how leaders can grow through listening to podcasts. I am sharing my top 5 podcast recommendations for leaders and shares a few others that I am a part of.


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Check out my new VLOG

Hey guys, as you might have noticed, I have been a little quiet here lately. That's because I've been working really hard on my new VLOG on YouTube. Take a look at the Intro Vlog:



It would mean a ton if you would subscribe the VLOG and engage in the conversation on YouTube. I will be releasing a new VLOG every week on the channel (every Thursday). I would love to know what you think and look forward to the continued journey of learning out loud as I transition from Blogging to Vlogging. 

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